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A different perspective on ADHD - Reframing how we view children with ADHD

A Different Perspective on ADHD

A different perspective on ADHD - Reframing how we view children with ADHD

ADHD is often viewed as a problem or disorder. However, teachers must remember that ADHD is not a behavioural problem but a neurodevelopmental condition.

This difference can be an advantage in some areas of life. For example, people with ADHD are often more creative and have higher IQs. They may also be better at problem-solving and thinking outside the box. In addition, people with ADHD tend to be more spontaneous and impulsive, which can lead to them being more fun and outgoing.

ADHD Students: Square Pegs in Round Holes

Expecting neurodiverse children to fit into a one-size-fits-all educational system is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It doesn’t work and only leads to frustration on the part of both the child and the adults around them.

A more effective strategy is to modify the education system to better meet the demands of neurodiverse children.

Imagine being a student with ADHD in a school system not built for you. You’re constantly told that you need to focus more and work harder, but it feels like no matter how much you try, nothing seems to stick. You’re expected to just ‘fit in’, and it’s tough luck if you don’t.

Your typical school day is a blur of hustle and noise. You’re trying to pay attention in class, but it’s hard when you can’t sit still, and your mind keeps racing. You get into trouble for fidgeting or for talking too much. It feels like no one understands what you’re going through, and you rarely get positive feedback from teachers – only criticism.

Most students with ADHD muddle their way through school without many positive experiences. This can lead to a lack of motivation, low self-esteem, and even depression. Students with ADHD are often labelled as ‘troublemakers’ or ‘lazy’, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

So how can we reframe the way we view ADHD?

Just imagine how different school life would be if teachers had more understanding of ADHD and how it affects students. Having supportive teachers can make all the difference for students with ADHD. If a teacher can change their perspective on what it means to have ADHD, they can help their students see themselves in a more positive light and achiever greater success in school.

Teachers that understand students with ADHD aren’t just lazy, careless or troublemakers. They are simply children who learn and function differently from their peers. And with the right support, they can achieve great things.

When we reframe ADHD, we can start to see it as a difference instead of a deficit. We can see it as an opportunity for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking instead of a hindrance. Teachers can change how they interact with students and start to see the potential in every child, no matter how they learn.

By understanding the difficulties experienced by students with ADHD, teachers can become more compassionate and focus on identifying each child’s strengths. This can lead to a more positive classroom experience for everyone involved. When we reframe how we view ADHD, we open up the possibility for all students to succeed.

Reframing how we view and think of children with ADHD can lead to more supportive and understanding teachers, resulting in a better school experience for children with ADHD. It is time that we start to see ADHD as a difference instead of a deficit.

Mental Shifts About ADHD 

How you see the child Reframe to view the child as...
Challenged, having a low tolerance for frustration
Lazy or unmotivated
Tired of failing and being helpless, does not know where to turn or how to get started
Trying to get attention
Needs support, reassurance, contact
Lacks awareness of social cues
Experiencing too much sensory input and feeling overloaded
Too loud / hyperactive
High energy level, seeking stimulation
Easily distracted by thoughts and sensations and has difficulty filtering out irrelevant information
Developmentally behind peers, working on skills at a different pace
Not trying
Struggles to get started, can't pay attention, misses important information and falls behind
Doesn't care
Can't show feelings or emotions, doesn't understand
Refuses to sit still
Doesn't get it, frustrated
Showing off / being a class clown
Having poor judgement, overcompensating, unaware of the impact on others
Lacks organisational skills, poor working memory
Doesn't follow directions
Didn't hear, missed steps, needs clarification
Works slowly
Needs more time, breaks tasks into smaller steps
Feels powerless, wants control

How Teachers Can Help

Teachers can help students with ADHD succeed in school by:

  • Understanding how ADHD affects students
  • Identifying each child’s strengths
  • Focusing on what the student CAN do, not what they CAN’T do
  • Creating a supportive and understanding environment
  • Providing accommodations and support as needed

When teachers gain a better understanding of ADHD, they can see that these so-called negative behaviours are just symptoms of a larger issue. When we reframe these actions in a new light, we may begin to think of ADHD and how we deal with children who have it differently.

Understanding ADHD among family and school is a critical success factor for youngsters with ADHD.

The following principles are essential to the success of children with ADHD:

  • Label the child, not his or her actions
  • Provide an outlet for energy (encourage activity)
  • Set students up for success and provide recognition
  • Be consistent
  • Build self-advocacy skills
  • Create structure and order – routines, lists, reminders, repetition, and well-defined expectations

People with ADHD can do remarkable things if they learn to channel their energy and creativity into positive outlets. When we change how we deal with children with ADHD, we open up a world of possibilities for them.

When we view ADHD through this lens, we can start to see the potential in every child. We can understand how they learn and function differently from their peers. With this understanding, we can provide the support they need to succeed.

If you’re a teacher, try reframing your thoughts about ADHD. See it as a difference instead of a deficit. See it as an opportunity for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking instead of a hindrance. Change how you interact with students and start to see the potential in every child, no matter how they learn.

Teachers play a vital role in the lives of children with ADHD. By reframing how we think about ADHD, we can start to see the positive aspects of this difference. One positive teacher can make a huge difference in the life of a student with ADHD and how they view themselves.

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